Learning to sew! My first project :)

In the last few years, this blog has turned into a bit of a travel blog. But it’s nice to be able to branch out here and there to my other hobbies. One of my recent ones has been sewing! My mom used to sew for us as kids and I always thought that I’d like to be able to do that as well. I read an article in Relevant Magazine about why the writer buys secondhand. I always knew that stores like H&M, Walmart and Forever 21 sold cheap clothes but it didn’t really dawn on me that people saw these as disposable clothing. There have been quite a few instances lately of conditions at these factories being poor and fires and collapses killing hundreds of people. It was a bit of wake-up call to be a responsible consumer.

So I decided to take a class a few weeks ago. I’d sewn off and on doing random projects but never attempted to make clothes. I watched youtube videos and read blogs but I needed basics baseline to measure off of. I took a beginner class at a sewing studio called Fashion Antidote. It was a 6-hour class on Saturday of basics for less than 100 gbp which is quite reasonable considering the prices I’d been seeing elsewhere. After taking the class I felt more confident to branch out and try some simple shirt patterns. I think I’ve been fairly successful so far! I’ve made a couple duds, but those duds taught me things for future shirts.

The one I’d like to share with you here was made using a Salme Pattern – the Kimono top

I really like this pattern because it’s quite simple and I can see that there are ways to make embellishments and additions.

I do like the patterns from Salme, but my one gripe is that the instructions aren’t super clear. I had to go to another blog that explained how they did the cuffs on the Kimono top. I did email the owner, and she agreed that the instructions could be clearer. As a beginner, I know that I need some additional instructions as figuring out what to do doesn’t come as naturally to me as a more experienced seamstress!

Finished Salme Pattern Kimono top in patterned cotton. I really like the pattern because it's kind of asian inspired and jazzy :)
Finished Salme Pattern Kimono top in patterned cotton. I really like the pattern because it’s kind of asian inspired and jazzy 🙂

2 thoughts on “Learning to sew! My first project :)

  1. mom September 17, 2013 / 3:30 pm

    Not bad, sweetie for your first project. Proud of you.


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